How can sports clubs attract a young audience and convert them into fans without losing the fans they already have?
The shopping habits of the younger generations differ immensely from the older generations. Adequate payment methods for today’s fans are not necessarily suitable for the next generation, and alternative forms of payments such as subscriptions may be necessary to win new fans and increase revenue.
We gathered a small expert panel who share their thoughts on this very hot topic during a webinar. These are:
Jamie Griffiths,General Manager, Hereford FC |
James Smethurst,Marketing Manager, Caldy RFC |
Hereford FC and Caldy RFC have both recognised the need to cater for the habits and demands from the younger generation, and they are now taking their first tender steps towards offering subscriptions as an alternative to their traditional season tickets.
How has their journey towards this decision been? What are their doubts? What will they gain? This is what we’re finding out during the conversation.
You can expect valuable insights and knowledge about:
Strategies for attracting younger audiences
How to drive increased revenue for your sports club
Embracing subscription models and demo
The length of the webinar is 50 minutes. It's hosted by Alex Eagle, Sales Development Manager for Sports at TicketCo UK & Ireland. It also includes an insightful demo of TicketCo’s subscription solution for sport, presented by TicketCo’s Head of Customer Success, Jessica Goodfellow.
You will also meet:

Alex Eagle holds a post graduate diploma in Marketing from the University of Wales Newport, and his background includes positions as Sales and Marketing at the Football Association of Wales, Commercial Manager at Newport County AFC and Head of Digital at Swansea City Football Club.
Jessica Goodfellow has a passion for proactive customer assistance, she is dedicated to helping clients achieve ticketing success. From implementing AI solutions to developing the Customer Health Score, Jessica's expertise drives exceptional customer experiences. Her vision for Customer Success extends beyond mere technical support, embracing a proactive approach focused on helping customers achieve their desired outcomes and realize the true value of our platform.
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50 minutes | 12 minutes demo at the end